PC Shift is a Shareware product. Meaning, if, after trying PC Shift for 15 days, you decide you find it a useful and helpful utility, you will send the author $2.00 compensation for his efforts bringing you this software. However, if you decide you don't like the software, or have no use for it within the 15 day trial period, simply delete the software from your Hard Drive(s) and/or Diskette(s), and you owe nothing more.
Shareware is an economical way to bring high-quality software to the end consumer at a fair price. Without the overhead of packaging, marketing and distribution, the author has more time to spend developing the software without having to worry about the hassles of dealing with a bunch of shysters. Please do your part and send in the meager $2.00 registration fee, and help keep Shareware a viable alternative to the true Software Pirates: large corporations overcharging for their software programs.
PC Shift is an INIT type program which will allow a Macintosh computer's shift key to behave like that of an IBM PC -- when the shift key is depressed it will directly alter a characters case dependent upon the state of the Caps Lock key. For example: the Caps Lock key is down, and you're typing in all upper case letters. You need a lower case letter, but instead of toggling the Caps Lock key, like the Macintosh System Software dictates, simply depress the Shift key, and you will get a lower case letter -- just like a PC!
This is a time saving utility, which you are certain find indispensable.
Simply move PC Shift into your System Folder, and reboot your system. You will never have to worry about PC Shift again, because it will load itself every time you boot your computer.
Please send your $2.00 registration fee and/or any questions, suggestions and (God forbid) and bugs to: